The new invention of SMART PHONE


New Invention of Smart Phone. If you talk about modern technology or gadget, you will not stop in one topic. What does it mean? As you have already noticed, the development of gadget always improves all the time and no one can stop it. What do you think about that? I am sure you also agree with that, right? Realize or not, the reason why there are so many gadgets is because of people itself. There are so many people who makes gadget as their main property that they have to bring anywhere and anytime.

The phenomenon of Blackberry has become the main issue more than 2 years. Since it is launched for the first time, it has very good respond from the society. But now, Blackberry Company will not relax anymore. It is because Google Inc has launched other smart phone that is called Android. Of course Android has something that is different with Blackberry. Android allows the user to make and get their application free, as long as it get license from Google Inc.

Some researchers assume that people who have business and who are really busy with their business, should have try to use this smart phone, especially for those who like to apply some applications on their smart phone. When you choose gadget, you have to make sure that it really can be applied in your life.

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