
Coffee has a different name. In Indonesian more familiar with named of Kopi, Coffee was known in England, the French call it cafe, kaffee in Germany and in Arabic called quahwa. The history of coffee begins with the story of a Abessynia goatherd who discovered the coffee plant when he was herding, to become a prestigious beverages in the European aristocrats. Even by Bethoven counted as many as 60 coffee beans for every cup coffee would enjoy. Indonesia as one of the largest coffee producer in the world, besides Brazil and Columbia, have the well-known type of coffee in the world such as arabica and robusta. But there's one type of coffee that is still not (well) known to most people, which called Kopi Luwak coffee. What is Kopi Luwak coffee?


Kopi Luwak coffee comes from the Indonesian island of Sumatra, an area well known for its excellent coffee. Not like most coffee beans which harvesting from Arabica and Robusta plantation, to produce Kopi Luwak coffee we need Luwak. What is Luwak? It is an Asian Palm Civet. A cat-like animal common to many south east Asian countries. The scientific name is Paradoxurus hermaphroditus and the locals call them luwaks.These little mammals live in the trees and one of their favorite foods is the red, ripe coffee cherry.

The Luwak is picky, feasts on ripe, red coffee cherries seeking out the sweet taste of the cherry itself, wanting little to do with the parchment of the coffee. Once the Luwak eats the cherry, the parchment covered coffee beans are passed out of the Luwak, with the parchment cover still protecting the green coffee beans. It is their digestive fermentation process that gives the coffee its unique chocolaty earthy flavor. The beans are collected from the forest floor, cleaned, roasted and "voile" a rare cup of exotic coffee!

But because of the strange method of collecting, there isn't much Kopi Luwak produced in the world. The average total annual production is only around 500 to a maximum of 1000 pounds of green coffee beans. The roasting process reduces the volume up to 20%. Due to the rarity of this coffee, the price is quite outrageous. When in peak demand, prices can reach about USD 500 per kilogram. In some coffee cafe in Indonesia, we have to pay around IDR 75.000 (=USD 8-10) for a single brewed cup of Kopi Luwak coffee. The source of the beans doesn't seem to be deterring coffee lovers with Kopi Luwak coffee, making it the most expensive coffee and rare in the world.

For several of the businessman’s, with drank Kopi Luwak coffee and collected 1 jar Green Beans Kopi Luwak will bring the blessing and lucky. The taste is different to the other coffee varieties. The aroma was rich and strong, and the coffee was incredibly full bodied, almost syrupy. It was thick, with a hint of chocolate, and lingered on the tongue with a long, clean aftertaste. Some article said drinking 3 – 6 Cup Kopi Luwak coffee a month will bring good health.

If you consider to buy Kopi Luwak coffee, feel free to contact us at luwakcoffee88@gmail.com. You are paying for the experience of enjoying such an unusual and rare delicacy as well as a spectacular cup of coffee. It’s about the Kopi Luwak coffee.

from several sources | picture : google.com

17 komentar:

catatan kecilku said...

Bang..., aku pilih teh aja deh.
Boleh... hehehe

Maaf ya lama gak mampir.

the others... said...

Kopi luwak... katanya sih enakkkk.. tapi aku gak suka kopi, Bang.

Lidya said...

gak suka ngopi, jadi seenak apa pun rasanya tetep gak suka :)

Ninneta - MissPlum said...

aku nggak bisa hidup tanpa kopi. Dulu sempet kecanduan sampai di rehab gara-gara kopi... heheheheh.. kalo pagi baru bangun nggak ngopi, nggak bakalan bisa diajak ngomong tuh... ehehehe

admin said...

@Mbak Reni : teh juga enak. tapi kopi lebih nikmat..apa kabar mbak? kemana aja..sehat kan?
@Lydia : hehe..soal pilihan toh...kalo ga suka kopi, masih banyak pilihan yg lain..kopi dangdut misalnya.. :-)
@Ninneta : ya ampyuunn...sampe kecanduan..koq bisa...saya paling2 sehari 1-2 cups...

HoneyBUZZin said...

I drank a cup of brewed Italian coffee this morning...funny is, it's not my habit of taking coffee or tea..but yeaa..I had one this morning. Probably because I read somewhere that it reduces the risk of *something*...hmmm..I can't figure out what was it.
Anyway, am buzzing in here too just to say HI..hope you are doing well.

admin said...

@HoneyBUZZin : what kind of *something* that reduced by coffee? thanks for the buzz...as always, i'm fine. thanks sis..

Business and financial services said...

i don't like coffe :), thx your info...nice review :)

Sungai Awan said...

Pstinya enak banget nih kopi rasanya.jadi kepingin merasakan kawan

suryadewa said...

wah pasti nikmat nih kopinya sob enak pake temen begadang xixixixix

kartu kredit said...

ngomongin luwak,..ingat kebiasaan di jawa dulu minum kopi, tugu Luwakkkk...

Vanilla Bean Dream said...

Aku pengen nyoba sebenarnya, bang. Tapi harganya mahaaallllll T.T
Harga segitu aku udah bisa beli baju di SOGO. Hahaha...

Kalau kami, seringnya minum kopi di kopitiam punya orang Cina keturunan. Kayak yang di Jalan Hindu. Abang pernah kesana belum? Kami penyukan kopi, jadi hampir setiap minggu kesana. Kopinya kental dan enak. Nggak seperti kopi yang dijual di mal. Cuma menang nama. Hehehe..

Ngomong2, kalau abang ada stok kopi luwak disana, boleh juga tuh dibagi2 :D

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FaYe said...

thnks for dropping by and leaving a comment. I like indonesian food, as long as it is not very spicy. we eat babi pangang almost every week. my kids like kroepoek and pisang goreng.
shall we exlinks?
have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Kopi luwak Sumateracukup enak kalau mau coba, mampir saja

Penjual kopi luwak said...

Aku petani kopi di Sumatera kalau pengen coba kopi luwak sumatera bisa hubungi saya

Lina Tohir said...

Gimana kalau suatu saat Luwaknya memutuskan tidak lagi suka "ngemut" biji kopi....hehehe...
Hai, visiting you just to say hello..

Anonymous said...

mau jual kopi bang http://pabukoan.blogspot.com/2010/12/luwak-coffe-or-bernawit-coffe.html