
Iseng-iseng saya menggunakan tool Blog Level untuk mengukur seberapa tinggi pengaruh blog small note – budiawan hutasoit. Tool Blog Level yang merupakan produk Edelman Digital sepertinya bisa menjadi rujukan yang cukup mumpuni. Website ini punya cara kerja yang mirip dengan TweetLevel. User cukup memasukkan nama blog di website bersangkutan dan dalam waktu singkat, akan muncul seberapa besar skor pengaruh blog di dunia maya.

Pengukuran tingkat pengaruh sebuah blog di Blog Level, mempertimbangkan beberapa aspek. Di antaranya apakah blog tersebut mudah dicari melalui mesin pencari online.

Di Blog Level ada tercantum Influence Score, Popularity Score, Engagement Score dan Trust Score. Hasil pengukuran blog ini di Blog Level bisa dilihat di screenshot berikut ini:

small note blog level score..


Keterangan mengenai detail keempat score di Blog Level tersebut adalah:

Small Note influence score - Your score is not bad but could be better. The key to improving your value is to make your posts more interesting – personality goes a long way in making people come back to read your posts. Make sure you update your blog more frequently and reply and create links to conversations – this will improve traffic to your site. What’s more, you should invite peoples’ input, opinions and insights and then engage in a conversation with them.

Smal Note popularity score - Your score is pretty good and a large number of people see your site as a must-read blog. Many blog measurement tools purely rank people according to the number and authority of recent inbound blog links but BlogLevel also takes into account how your amplification through other social media channels. You can increase your popularity by promoting your site through social media channels – for example using Twitter, you could include a summary, link and encourage people to comment on your own site. Make sure you post frequent updates and ensure they are promoted at the times your readership will want to know about them. Finally SEO plays a significant role in your popularity – if your post is not found then it makes no difference how good the content is – make sure you tag what you publish, have text not number titles in your post address and include multimedia (Flickr, YouTube for example) – this has the added benefit of making your posts more dynamic and interesting.

Small Note engagement score - You are quite well engaged but there are things you can do to improve your score. To engage better make sure you participate in conversations about your posts on Twitter, encourage and respond to people’s comments and address issues quickly, honestly and with the invitation of feedback and follow-ups. Linking to other blogs (link love) is crucial whilst providing regular, topical content is a must.

Small Note trust score - Your trust score is good but could be better. The Edelman Trust Barometer states that 77% of people refused to buy products or services from a company they distrusted. It is trust that makes someone act – for this reason alone, having a high trust score is considered by many to be more important than any other category. One of the simplest measures of trust is if someone voluntarily listens to what you say or pushes other people to read what you have written. The number of subscribers you have and inbound links from Twitter and other sites make up a large weighting in deciding your trust score – therefore to increase your value post regular, informed and interesting content and make it easily accessible for others to get hold of.

Jika anda ingin mengetahui seberapa tinggi pengaruh blog anda, silahkan kunjungi website Blog Level di bloglevel [dot] edelman [dot] com. Selamat mencoba!

sumber: detiknet

Choosing the Auto Insurance Companies

We might never know what kind of troubles that might happen to our car. That is why, we got to protect our car with the decent protection and that decent protection is the car insurance service. To get the best one, we should choose the best car insurance service that was issued by the excellent auto insurance companies. We should choose the company first before we could choose the insurance services.

What should we compare to find the finest company? Since there are many excellent offers that were made by those auto insurance companies, we should choose the company that we considered as the best one. The company that we would choose should have several terms such as the good reputations in the insurance business. This is important to guarantee our money.

Are you dealing with a stubborn insurance adjuster?

We should also choose one of those excellent options of auto insurance companies that have the most excellent offers. The deal should be clear so we could make sure that we would receive some benefits if the car was in trouble. The company that we chose should have the affordable insurance rate so it wouldn’t become such heavy burden for our finance status. Those are the most important terms to choose the best insurance company.

Are you looking to get more money for your total loss?

Is your car a total loss after your car accident?

How can you recover what your vehicle is worth?

Apakah jejaring sosial GOOGLE Plus dapat menjadi “Facebook Killer”

Masih ingat dengan Google Buzz, yang katanya dulu digadang-gadang akan menjadi saingan Facebook? Tapi ternyata Google Buzz gagal bersinar alias tidak laku dipasaran. Artikelnya bisa dibaca di sini – Google Buzz: saingan Facebook dan Twitter. Rupanya Google belum putus asa untuk ‘menggoyang’ dominansi Facebook. Setelah gatot (gagal total) dengan Google Buzz, maka Google meluncurkan Google + atawa Google Plus.

Google + (Google Plus) yang baru saja diluncurkan hari Rabu (29/6/2011) merupakan layanan jejaring sosial baru. Layanan ini disebutkan bakal menjadi pesaing kuat bagi Facebook. Untuk saat ini versi Google+ baru bisa dinikmati oleh segelintir pengguna dan hanya bisa dinikmati lewat undangan dari pengguna yang sudah terdaftar. Tapi, Google berjanji secepatnya jejaring sosial ini bisa segera dinikmati oleh jutaan pengakses Google setiap harinya.

Google tidak ingin mengulangi kesalahan yang sama dengan Google Buzz, sehingga mereka berusaha sekuat tenaga dengan dengan produk anyarnya ini. Google tak mau gagal lagi. Ada empat fitur yang menjadi andalan mereka dan diharapkan Google+ dapat menjadi ‘Facebook Killer”:

1. Google+ Hangout. Merupakan layanan conference lebih dari dua orang dengan video call.

2. Google+ Circles. Fungsi ini bisa digunakan untuk memasukkan nama-nama teman ke dalam grup dan pengguna bisa berbagi konten dengan format berbeda di dalam lingkaran pertemanan ini.

3. Google+ Sparks. Fitur ini menghubungkan individu dalam jaringan ini kepada orang-orang yang memiliki ketertarikan yang sama terhadap suatu hal.

4. Google+ Huddle. Layanan ini menyediakan grup-grup di jejaring ini untuk mengirim pesan instan.

Jejaring sosial milik Google ini membuka ruang bagi para penggunanya untuk membagi foto, pesan, dan komentar seperti layaknya di Facebook. Google juga menambahkan layanan peta dan images dalam Google+ ini.

Google pun mengklaim, jejaring sosialnya ini akan memudahkan orang untuk mengatur kontak tanpa membuat grup. Namun, beberapa analis teknologi informasi berpendapat, Google+ hanya mereproduksi fitur dari Facebook, dengan hanya menambahkan fungsi video chat.

"Jejaring sosial seperti ini memerlukan pemikiran yang serius. Jadi kami masih butuh waktu untuk mempersiapkannya," ujar Vic Gundorta Senior Vice President of Engineering Google dalam rilisnya.

Apakah Google+ akan bernasib sama dengan Google Buzz? atau kali ini nasib baik akan menghampiri Google, sehingga Google Plus dapat menjadi Facebook Killer? Waktu-lah yang akan menentukan.

sumber: tekno.kompas

Searching for Perfect VACATION by ONLINE

According to survey, Britons have vacation twice a year on average. It means they have 120 holiday or vacation in a lifetime. Because of that fact, it is important to make sure that we must take good quality vacation with people we love. Do not underestimate because it sounds easy but when in the real life, it is something to reach. It happens because most of us will consider so many factors before taking an option of a vacation.

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Generally, all of us will consider about budget, excitement, accommodations and many other things when searching for the right option for travelling. By considering such factors, commonly we will confuse when have to decide one of the best. Actually, we do not have to vacation abroad because here in this country, there are so many good deals of travelling. To make the searching process simpler, we can use the facility offered by the online world or internet.

By online, all we need could be arranged well. Besides travelling destinations, we can also make comparison of price, accommodations, route, attractions and many other things. We must realize that online searching is safer and more convenient one more important is cost saving. This online method we can utilize to make sure we get satisfying vacation.

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What if you could discover exactly how the airlines are vulnerable, so you can take advantage of them? It’s in this PDF e-book.

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