
It is the object of these lines to prove that a strictly vegetarian diet, when continued for a long time, is a very unhealthful and dangerous mode of nourishment. It is above all most irrational.

For when—as I have so frequently seen in the vegetarian restaurants in Germany—a person who works hard all day takes for his midday meal a plate of green-vegetable soup, then, as the principal dish of the repast, carrots or spinach with potatoes, after this some apple sauce, and finally a few nuts or a small quantity of some other fruit, he is in great danger.

It is truly a murderous diet. His evening meal is also similarly composed, and his breakfast consists of some substitute for coffee. As a person absorbs with such a diet only a minimum quantity of albumin and carbohydrates, he subjects himself to all the dangers which we have enumerated in the chapters devoted to a one-sided diet and to insufficient nourishment. The greatest of these is, however, the fact that the composition of the principal fluid of the body—the blood—is defective and its quantity is insufficient.

This gives rise to anemia, and a most frequent result of such long-continued under nutrition is tuberculosis. Indeed, not with standing frequent visits to vegetarian restaurants in various countries, I have never seen a strict vegetarian who did not look pale and thin.

There cannot possibly be a really scientific basis for such an erroneous mode of living. The most important producer of energy in our foods, the albumin, is only very slightly represented, and of this limited amount a considerable portion is lost in the intestine owing to the difficult assimilation. Since, however, strict vegetarians do not lay much stress upon albumin, the carbohydrates should necessarily be all the more plentifully represented in their nourishment. It is, nevertheless, unfortunately the case that in the majority of vegetarian restaurants in Austria and particularly in Germany the main object seems to be to furnish very cheap foods. They are consequently greatly frequented by poor people who wish to dine cheaply. The proprietor naturally wishes to realize as much as possible ; consequently many aliments containing considerable amounts of carbohydrate, such as tapioca, sago, maizena, honey, and sometimes even rice, do not appear on their bills of fare, or are possibly not much called for, as the price is too high.

According to Rubner, when there is too little albumin in the food, more carbohydrates and fats are necessary. In such a ridiculously strict vegetable diet this point is not even considered. The food consists principally of vegetables, and possibly cereals and fruit; in the majority of cases, however, the bulk of the food is composed of green vegetables, roots, cabbages, etc. Considerable amounts of these must then be taken in order to fill the requirements of the moment, and to still hunger.

The cow is in the field from early morning until the evening in order to—and this is her only occupation—absorb a sufficient quantity of food for her needs ; and since the latter consists of grass which is not very rich in nitrogen, she must take a very great deal of it to thrive. If she does not do this and stops feeding, she is ill. A cow cannot starve for several days, nor can a strict vegetarian do so. He also must, day in and day out, take large quantities of food ; I must admit, how-ever, that some who subsist upon a fruit diet can, after a long training, manage with less. Whether they are as thoroughly invulnerable to a possible infection as those who use all kinds of foods is a question. The average strict vegetarian must, therefore, eat large quantities of cabbage and other varieties of vegetables, cereals, potatoes, etc. In order to utilize and assimilate it all, he would have to imitate the cow and possess four stomachs, to rechew his food.

The intestine would have to be very much longer, with a large cecal pouch, containing the same ferment as in the rodents,—the cytase,—for him to be able to digest the great quantity of cellulose contained in such food. Since, however, he is not provided with all this, he will fare badly when such a diet is too long continued. To assist, in so far as possible, the digestion and assimilation of the foods in themselves already so poor in albumin, these foods must be very carefully masticated, which is only possible when the teeth are good; much saliva and gastric juice must also be provided—we have already mentioned that bread requires five times as much pepsin as meat—and the intestine must secrete much fluid, in order to further the digestion and the elimination of the large amounts of feces resulting from such foods. All this would require an outlay on the part of the organism, since the cells thus given off would have to be replaced. The only substance in the food capable of accomplishing this renewal is the albumin.

Now, in such a strictly vegetarian diet the absorption of albumin is very slight, for the intestinal juice cannot readily digest the cellulose in which the albumin is inclosed. Animals are better off in this respect, for all-wise Nature provides whatever is required to fit the circumstances, and has given to rodents a special ferment which breaks down the cellulose. As the human vegetarian is not provided with such ferment, much of the albumin in his food is lost to him. The starches are for the same reason also poorly assimilated. A considerable portion of the albumin and starch content of the food is also lost because such a diet exerts an irritating effect upon the intestine, and it is consequently expelled too soon, before the nutrient substances have been absorbed. As a result of this, with the usual food of a strict vegetarian there must undoubtedly be a deficiency of albumin, as well as of carbohydrate; such a person is undernourished and is consequently subject to the dangers above named.

A great disadvantage of such an erroneous mode of feeding is the very great amount of feces formed and the too frequent bowel movements. I have myself experimented with such a strict vegetarian diet for several days, and found that, instead of having, as usual, one bowel movement each day, there were two or three and sometimes even more ; the feces were very much increased, as a considerable portion of the food itself was expelled with them. Such an augmentation of the stools is in no way advantageous, as the intestine is subjected to too violent exertion. While the cow gives off a quantity of dung, it serves as a valuable fertilizer for the earth from which she receives her nourishment; human excrements play no special rôle in this connection.

It is certain that the digestive organs must suffer under such a diet, and that they must undergo certain changes due to their overactivity; this is self-evident owing to the fact that they were not adapted by nature for such use. When a true vegetarian parent wishes to bring up his child—after it has been weaned—upon a strictly vegetable diet, it may be possible that the child's intestines will become longer and better adapted for such food, but in the adult this is not to be expected. Since, however, the suckling child of the vegetarian lives solely upon milk, i.e., a substance of animal origin, and could not be nourished in any other way, I cannot comprehend why he does not realize that this forms the proper food for the child, and does not therefore continue to feed it upon a milk-egg-vegetable diet, which is in my opinion the best and most rational one.

Such a strictly vegetable diet very frequently gives rise to gastric and intestinal disturbances, and many a vegetarian would undoubtedly be cured of his mania—for they are indeed often fanatics—were he to be shown his feces with the large amounts of undigested food contained therein. The intestines have vainly endeavored to utilize the latter, but the results are not at all in proportion to the effort entailed. Such a defective diet also has an injurious effect upon the nervous system and the mind as well, which fact has previously been referred to. While it is thus injurious to a normal individual, the vegetable diet may, on the other hand, be very beneficial in certain diseases, such as gout, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, and obesity. All of these diseases are frequently the result of overfeeding, and consequently a less generous and nutritious diet, such as the purely vegetarian one, may be most useful. When, however, such a diet is to be persisted in for any length of time without giving rise to injurious consequences.

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Pelopor jejaring media sosial Friendster, menyatakan segera cuci gudang server yang dimilikinya pada 31 Mei mendatang. Artinya, seluruh data pengguna Friendster mulai dari foto, blog, dan seluruh unggahan akan dihapus.

Laman NYTimes menulis penghapusan seluruh data pengguna Friendster ini dilakukan dalam rangka perubahan strategi bisnis yang kini tersaingi Facebook atau Twitter. MOL Global Malaysia, pemilik Friendster berencana menjadikan laman itu sebagai situs hiburan baru yang lebih atraktif. Beberapa bocoran menyebutkan muka baru Friendster ke depan akan fokus dalam layanan game dan musik.

Lalu, bagaimana dengan nasib data penggunanya? Keterangan resmi yang dikeluarkan Friendster menyatakan sisa waktu hingga akhir Mei dinilai cukup bagi para pengguna Friendster untuk mengalihkan data-data yang dianggap penting.

Friendster akan menyediakan forum bantuan ‘Friendster Exporter’ yang dapat digunakan penggunanya menyimpan atau memindahkan data-data itu ke Flickr atau Multiply.

Rencana ini tentu saja menuai kekecewaan pengguna Friendster. Meski laman itu sudah serupa rumah hantu, Jim Leila, salah satu pengguna Friendster mengaku sedih. "Ada sebagian emosi saya yang tertinggal di sana," kata Jim, 31 tahun, yang kerap berkomunikasi dengan pacarnya sekitar empat tahun lalu.

Friendster didirikan oleh Jonathan Abrams sejak 2002. Tiga tahun berikutnya Friendster menambahkan fitur blog. Jejaring ini mampu menarik minat puluhan juta penggunanya di seluruh dunia. Namun, Friendster tak pernah menjadi raksasa jejaring sosial akibat tergilas Facebook dan Twitter. Sejak Desember 2009, MOL Malaysia telah membeli Friendster seharga US$ 100 juta.


The Possibility of Decreasing the MORTGAGE Rates

In this kind of time when the interest rates is keep on falling. Many potential buyers are thinking about the mortgage rates of the house they are purchasing. They have a hesitant of purchasing because of the interest rates will continue to fall. Although that they can find many great deals with lower prices in the market.

While it is true that a drop in it of even .5% can be translate into a lot of money over the life of a 30 year mortgage, but waiting is not going to be the best option. There are some reasons for it.  The mortgage rates are not directly tied to the Federal Reserve interest rate. They can be affected by many shifts in the housing market itself as anything else. Let’s say that you made a wrong choice and it begins to rise again. But people are most likely will be rushing to close on mortgages before it gets too high. This in turn will lead to a rise in home prices. Interest rates move slowly but the home prices can change overnight. The spurn of interest rates is begun with the increase of homes demands. This will directly relate to the mortgage rates backed security demand. The demand is currently low, but the smallest hint of a recovery could send mutual fund managers into a buying frenzy. Things could change dramatically overnight.

In the current time, experts’ minds are filled with thoughts that this will neither rise nor fall for the foreseeable future. But the market has a mind of its own which is formed from the unpredictable collective mind of millions investors. The only thing we know is that the current market of housing is the best we’ve seen for buyers in many years.

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And Yet ADVANCED Methods Will Help You SMASH Your Mortgage In Record Time Without Restricting Your Everyday Spending.”

(Don’t try this if you want to live poor and grumpy forever,and certainly don’t try this if you are
happy to have a mortgage when you retire.)

How To Smash Your Mortgage

Click and Find Out

Ini dia, TIPS mencegah MENCONTEK di ujian nasional (UN)

“Jadilah orang yang percaya diri sendiri, jangan orang lain. Mencontek itu adalah masa lalu, zamannya Pak Gubernur sekolah. Sekarang tidak ada lagi," ujar Fauzi Bowo (Gubernur DKI) di depan siswa-siswi MAN 13, Lenteng Agung. Pesan tersebut disampaikan oleh Fauzi Bowo sehubungan dengan mulai digelarnya Uiian Nasional hingga 21 April 2011. Total peserta UN tingkat SMA sederajat tahun ini di DKI sebanyak 122.497 siswa.

Berikut ini adalah salah satu cara agar siswa-siswi tidak bisa mencontek pada saat ujian nasional:


LIST of 10 most FOODS all men should EAT

A varied balanced diet is the cornerstone of healthy living for everyone, yet healthy eating can sometimes mean different things depending on your gender. While there are some foods we should all be eating more of, men and women also have their own set of dietary requirements as well as their own unique health concerns.

Here are list of ten foods all men should eat:

1) Blueberries
Blueberries are another fruit that have been linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer, thanks to their high levels of proanthocyanidins. However, blueberries' positive benefits for men don't stop there, as studies have also suggested that blueberries may be effective in reducing risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and age-related memory loss; a condition more  prevalent in men than women.

2) Whole grains
Whole grains are great for our health thanks to their high levels of vitamins, minerals and fibre, that’s why this food is included on the list of foods should to eat. Most whole grains, including brown rice and oats, are particularly rich in B vitamins, which are good for general wellbeing and can also help alleviate depression. Individual B vitamins can also benefit male health in various ways. Studies have suggested that folate (vitamin B9) can keep sperm healthy, while biotin (B7) may help hair loss. Silica, also present in whole grains, could also help with healthy hair growth.

3) Brazil nuts
Snacking on nuts is great for heart health and good skin. However, Brazil nuts are particularly beneficial for men as they are packed with selenium; a powerful antioxidant which studies have suggested can boost sperm health and motility. Furthermore, selenium is also great for lowering "bad" cholesterol levels, preventing blood clots and lifting your mood.

4) Broccoli
Broccoli - along with other cruciferous vegetables like cabbage and sprouts - contains a strong  cancer-fighting chemical, sulphoraphane, which research has suggested may reduce men's risk of developing bladder cancer (a cancer more commonly affecting women than men), prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.

5) Oysters
Oysters are included on the 10 most foods all men should eat due to it has the highest natural source of zinc; an essential requirement for men's fertility and sexual health. Zinc not only helps to maintain healthy testosterone levels in men, but it is essential for healthy sperm production. On top of this, zinc deficiency may be responsible for hair loss in men, so an increased intake may benefit men's appearance as well as health.

6) Tomatoes
Tomatoes are possibly one of the best "super foods" around, and the popular fruit has particular benefits for men. Studies have suggested that the lycopene found in tomatoes may reduce risk of colorectal cancer, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease; the leading cause of death in men. Research has also shown that men who frequently eat foods rich in lycopene may drastically reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer.

7) Eggs
For men suffering from hair loss, eggs may also provide the perfect solution. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which is essential for hair growth, as well as being rich in biotin (vitamin B7). Egg yolks are also a good source of iron, which some studies have suggested can alleviate hair loss, which can be caused by anemia.

8) Pomegranate juice
Pomegranates are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and research has suggested that drinking the juice of this "super food" can help lower cholesterol - which can be high in many men as young as their 20s - and prevent hypertension. A study has also found that drinking just one 8oz glass of pomegranate juice a day could dramatically slow down the progress of prostate cancer.

9) Garlic
Garlic is well known for boosting heart health, and a study on the effects of garlic consumption on males  has shown that regularly eating garlic could help lower men's cholesterol levels. Furthermore, research findings published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute have suggested that regularly eating garlic and onions could help lower men's risk of developing prostate cancer.

10) Salmon
Last but not the least, the 10 most foods that men should eat is salmon. Salmon is not only a great source of protein, but it is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help address many of men's most common health complaints. Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to lowered levels of "bad" cholesterol and can also reduce risk of many illnesses, including heart disease, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer and depression.

from various sources/picture:

The Excellent 6 Month Car Insurance Service
car insurance protection service

Accident could happen any times without preparations. As the preventions, we should protect our car with the insurance services. Why should we do that? If we didn’t have the excellent insurance service protection for our car, when it was broken because of the accident, we should pay for the repair costs by ourselves and that would be something that has the potentials to ruin our financial plans. The 6 month car insurance service could be perfect.

What is the 6 month car insurance service? It is the 6 month insurance protection that would give the short term protection for the car. It means, if within the 6 month you didn’t have any accidents, you wouldn’t get the compensations from the insurance company. There are many kinds of insurance services that you could get and this one could be the perfect one for your car.

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Is your car a total loss after your car accident?

How can you recover what your vehicle is worth?
